The National Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing Terrorism Committee (NAMLC)

  • November 30, 2024

The National Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing Terrorism Committee (NAMLC) met on November 30, 2024. During the meeting, the Committee discussed various topics, including the MENAFATF Mutual Evaluation Process, the ongoing Financial Disruption Program, and related activities.

Mrs. Amina Ali, Director of the Financial Reporting Center (FRC), provided an
update on the NAMLC’s efforts to complete the mutual evaluation and reviewed the MENAFATF 39th Plenary meeting held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. MENAFATF offered the Somali delegation guidance on completing the mutual evaluation, emphasizing the importance of the onsite visit.

The NAMLC highlighted the need to intensify efforts in financial disruption to
combat terrorist activities effectively. Mr. Bihi Iman, Chairperson of MENAFATF, stressed the significant role the Financial Disruption Strategy plays in mitigating terrorism-related risks. He noted that enhancing these efforts is crucial for bringing peace, security, and stability to the country.

The committee’s discussions underscored the importance of adopting a robust
and proactive approach to financial disruption, with the aim of strengthening the nations combat against financial crimes and terrorist financing.

The National Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing Terrorism Committee (NAMLC) reasserted its commitment to completing the mutual evaluation and stressed its significance. The committee urged all involved agencies to increase their efforts to ensure positive outcomes in the future.